Thursday, July 25, 2013


So I'm sitting in the library reaching for the magazine rack next to the sink and I see one of those pharmaceutical ads – the ones that make up at least half of all magazine ads. The woman says she uses artificial tears all the time, so she went to see the doctor and she told her she has a disease! Horror! So they are selling some drug with a ridiculous name (I won't name it here). I see it says at the bottom of the full page ad to see the next page for a brief summary of the full product information. It also reminds me that my results may vary.

I flip over and look at the small print. My eye which is plenty moist is drawn to the toxicology part. It is divided into three categories: carcinogenesis, mutagenesis and impairment of fertility. Translation: does it cause cancer, does it damage genes and will it make you sterile. It says right in the first paragraph that in a mouse study for 78 weeks that “statistically significant” incidence was found for lymphocytic lymphomas in female mice and hepatocellular carcinomas in males. OMG. They are saying it caused cancer. Right there. I don't care if they force fed the mice their daily body weight in it. I'm going to take something that causes cancer when ingested and put it on my eye? I don't think so!

I am completely appalled that a company can sell something they acknowledge causes cancer and people will buy it. For dry eyes! Many people take conscious steps to increase their health and avoid cancer – look at the amount of sun screen sold, yet most of those same people would be shocked to know that the product they took that was recommended by their doctor and a magazine ad will increase their cancer risk.

I guess it is no small victory for the people that the companies have to put that info out there, but who reads it? I'm sure there would be corporate types saying “well, we told them”. Yes, they did. Everyone, please read labels – at least know what you are putting on your eyes or maybe giving to your children.


Tuesday, July 23, 2013


There are many benefits to adding more healthy fat to our diet. The typical American diet of highly processed foods is deficient in the healthy fats our bodies need to support our overall health.

Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S. (1). The latest medical thinking is that the escalating rate of Alzheimer’s disease has it’s beginning in chronic inflammation resulting from a diet that is deficient in omega 3 fatty acids, which is one of the 3 essential fatty acids (EFA's) that we must get from our food. EFA’s are known to be highly anti-inflammatory and omega 3 specifically is found in cold water fish such as salmon. Walnuts are also a good source of the omega 3 fatty acid. Of the three fatty acids that we need to get from our food omega 3 is the one that we are most deficient in with the standard American diet. Omega 6 and 9 are found more in processed, frozen and pre-packaged foods.

According to the American Academy of Neurology, people who eat large amounts of foods with Omega 3 fatty acids and other important vitamins like the B vitamins and vitamin C, D, and E have sharper cognitive abilities. In contrast, people with diets high in trans-fats which are found in packaged, fast, fried and frozen foods and margarine spreads were more likely to show shrinking brain tissue that’s linked to Alzheimer’s disease.

Omega 3 in form of EPA (one of its two forms) is noted as being of great support in helping individuals get off their psychiatric medications. Research supports the use of omega 3 in the treatment of depression (2).
The role that omega 3 plays in ASD (autism spectrum disorders) is highly recognized by researchers and natural health care professionals. The Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology did a study. The children were given 1 gram of omega 3 fatty acid for 12 weeks. 80% of the children showed significant improvement in behavior and cognitive function. Don't you think those are pretty good statistics from 1 one supplement being added to their diet (3)?

There is also evidence that essential fatty acids in the proper ratio will help individuals with certain food cravings and assist them in losing weight. The fact that we need these fats in our diet explains partly why so many people have cravings for junk food like fried foods or chips. Our bodies are starving and we need the fats for health. The main point of this article is to show the importance of nutrition to our health and the role these nutrients play in preventing degenerative disease in humans. If millions of people in the US are suffering from AD and 1 out of 50 kids are on the autism spectrum and we are the most obese nation in the world and 25% of the females in this country are on anti-depressants, it’s probably a really good time to start taking the importance of nutrition and supplementation seriously. One of my favorite ways to get the extra EFA’s in my diet is to supplement with cold organic hemp oil. Putting a couple of tablespoons in a protein shake or sprinkling the oil over a salad is a great way to get the best ratio of EFA’s in your diet.


  1. Alzheimers Association statistics
  2., Robert L.j. et al. Neurology 1993, Natural news Nov 2006
  3. Journal of Child and Adolescent psychopharmacology 2009